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Journey with Robert as he shares his experience with recovery and the twelve steps. His revealing account leads to the understanding he reached about the process of recovery that came to identically match the pioneers'. For years he floundered "in the halls" searching and searching and through a wild turn of events was brought to all of the freedoms predicted. Join the fast-paced ride through all of the steps, and the coming to, as a result of his spiritual experience. This account is a great read for anyone who has been or is a part of the recovery community and will give you a fierce look at hope in the face of adversity.

Journey with Robert as he shares his experience with recovery and the twelve steps. His revealing account leads to the understanding he reached about the process of recovery that came to match the pioneer's identically. For years he floundered "in the halls" searching and searching and through a wild turn of events was brought to all of the freedoms predicted. Join the fast-paced ride through all of the steps and the coming to as a result of his spiritual experience. This account is a great read for anyone who has been or is a part of the recovery community and will give you a fierce look at hope in the face of adversity.

Work In Progress


Bores' Mission

His name is "Bores" and although he is a domestic cat he likes to think he is a panther.. Bores is sent here by God on a journey to set a man on a new course. A course he knows only too well as he had the same experience in his last lifetime here as a human. His last lifetime here as a recovered alcoholic who happened to be one of the early pioneers of the program Alcoholics Anonymous. Bores' mission is to bring a man back to God through a bizarre life that will be lived on four legs and his adventures are seen from that prospective... and also through the eyes as a human.

Available January 2025



An in depth look at how abandonment can tear our soul apart and how seeking and finding God can bring about a thorough healing and rebirth in our life. Click here to glimpse the Introduction.

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